How INOC improved learner engagement and expanded employee knowledge using HowNow.

increase in positive responses to 'someone has encouraged my development'.
increase in positive responses to 'someone has asked me about my progress’.
learner content contributions
INOC is an award-winning global provider of NOC Lifecycle Solutions®, including NOC support, optimization, design, and build services for enterprises, communications service providers, and OEMs.
Illinois, USA
Lifecycle solutions

How do you know if people are unhappy with your learning platform? They either won’t use it or they’ll outright share what they dislike about it. At INOC, it was a bit of both. A team survey showed LMS engagement was low, and people would only go there when it was mandatory. When they did, they described it as clunky, tricky to navigate, and implied that the limited content was difficult to find.

It’s an LMS tale as old as time! Well, Alissa Geurink, INOC’s Client Experience Manager, and her team realised that it would be better if they had a platform people were excited to go to! Maybe somewhere with useful five-minute videos and specific resources instead of just picking between 45-minute lectures, long powerpoints and overwhelming courses.

INOC relies on its LMS to educate employees on critical process documents and in-depth client support procedures, so a more engaging platform was essential.

The five requirements that led INOC to HowNow

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  1. An easy-to-use platform that required less time and input from admins. Something that gave them back time to invest in the more important and extensive courses and resources.
  2. Tapping into subject matter experts. Given the L&D team’s limited time, the idea was to give internal experts a tool or template to create for themselves and share easily.
  3. The ability to track skills and build a progression plan for learners.
  4. An AI-driven platform that tapped into outside learning sources to expand on internal content and keep it fresh.
  5. Above all, somewhere learners were excited to visit and engage with!

And why HowNow was an easy choice.

“It was the best fit and it gave us the best features”, especially compared to the other platforms they looked at, which were straight-up learning management systems. It was a case of manual effort being required to update these alternatives, which were limited to more traditional content. As Alissa added, “nobody has the time to sit down and take a 45-minute course anymore.”

Better for employees: HowNow helped improve life for learners, as it was out with old static information and in with fresh, dynamic content. Think podcasts, short videos, handy guides and more, all easy-to-search by someone’s needs and interests. It empowers employees to proactively set their own L&D strategy or goals and track progress.

How INOC put the power of learning in the learner's hands.

Better for managers: Knowledge management had always been a struggle, so the easiness of the platform quickly won buy-in from the rest of the team and company! They wanted to create a learning culture where people were excited to go in, where there was freedom around learning, and they accomplished that – even finding some employees using it on weekends. Real-time insights and snapshots help managers understand this on a daily basis, reporting on how people are learning, who’s compliant, and so much more.

Better for the L&D team: The onus is no longer on the L&D team to create all of the new content! Learners can create resources in a click, and even people with no knowledge management experience were creating Nuggets in no time. So, the L&D team are no longer the bottleneck, giving them time to focus on more substantial tasks, strategy and in-depth content. INOC had debated hiring someone else for the team, but they no longer have to! HowNow is like an extra set of hands for them!

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The Co-Worker Engagement Survey speaks for itself

When asked if ‘someone has asked me about my progress’, INOC received a 12% increase in positive responses! The same thing happened when they asked if someone has encouraged their development (up 11%) and if they had the tools, equipment and opportunities to grow. And it’s something they’re happy to credit HowNow with having a direct impact on, as this survey took place several months after they implemented our platform.

Their managers can see how learners are progressing, and check-in with them in a meaningful manner, plus people now have the tools to learn independently too! They’re also sharing with each other, with more than 500 content contributions from all across the business.

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